Saturday, July 19, 2008

Spring to Summer 2008

Really late publishing the "spring" part of this year and already one month into summer.

We attended Earth Hour in downtown Toronto, not only because we were curious to see how Torontonians would respond but also because the first Earth Hour was initiated by Sydney, Australia and we were there at the time but not actually in Sydney. It was a huge success in our city and we had more than a few laughs as we packed into Nathan Phillips Square, along with more than 10,000 other celebrants. The stage was lit by candles and the generators for Nellie Furtado's group and others were generated by Bullfrog power. What a night! In our neighbourhood, lights were left off for the entire evening and there were many people in the park beside our house with telescopes, looking at the stars. It was a truly magical experience.

Above: Note how bright the night sky is with the lights turned out. Stars were actually seen downtown!

Before we had even returned home from Florida in early March, we knew that we MUST be with our dear friends Janet and Ray in Vancouver to celebrate Ray's 70th birthday (we just can't believe it.....and you will not believe it when you see his photo's below). The date for travel was determined to be April 24th and coincided with their daughter Claire's (Darla's best friend) little girls' dedication (kind of like a baptism only with a non-denominational service).

Above: Handsome Ray (at 70 years) in his funeral suit....well...not HIS funeral suit...he drives funeral cars for a living....getting in tight with the profession and looking for discounts.

Above: Ray and Bob on our exhilirating two hour hike around Burnaby Lake
Saturday, April 26th....the day of Sophia's dedication was a spectacularly sunny day. It had rained at least part of each day leading up to the celebration and we were all thrilled that Sophia's day was sunny and warm.
Bob and Jean (Jan's sister) all dressed up and good to go!

The service was held in the gardens at Claire and Ari's apartment building. Everyone looked beautiful, especially our sweet darling, Sophia who is one of the most easy going babies I have ever known

Sophia in the gorgeous outfit her "Nanny Jan" made for her; The Service

We all participated in the releasing of the balloons; "Nanny Jan" and Sophia; When it's all too much, we sleep

The party and food following the service was fabulous.....then we all returned to Jan and Ray's to prepare for Ray's 70th birthday party. We had a blast with friends and relatives....Kim was in Van on business and she came as well. Total fun and the meal....Jan's cooking....was fabulous, as always!

Above: The glow from the candles was so bright that my flash didn't even go off! ; Ray leading us all in a rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday to ME!!!'

We spent a lot of very precious time with Claire and Sophia and on one of the days, we decided to walk the sea wall in downtown Vancouver. It was a gorgous day! The swan seen below was old and arthritic. Each day, an older woman arrives (with the blessing of the parks people), the swan toddles up onto the path and is fed glucosamin and condroitin (along with regular swan food) so it can live in relative comfort for the rest of it's days. Isn't that a sweet story?

Above: Sally Swan; Claire, me and Ray; Claire and Sophia

How quickly time passes and soon it was time for Bob to fly back to Toronto while Jan, Ray, Jean and I headed for the ferry taking us to Victoria for a few days. We arrived at Darla and Peter's home on the edge of Victoria. It is a lovely cottage that shares the property with the owner Gail's, hacienda style house and acres of land. It is normal on any given day, to spot bunny's (Cortes, their dog LOVES bunny's!), finches, hawks, cows and goats....and the occasional grass snake below. Jean, the English city girl didn't seem to have the slightest problem holding this sweet little fella!

Darla made us lunch and then Ray, Jan and Jean departed for a B&B in Sooke. The rest of the day was spent with Peter and Darla. They had graciously invited one of my former TO bosses and his partner for dinner...even though they don't really know them. We had a lovely meal and evening. The next morning, Peter was called away to Tofino to pick up one of the youth who became ill on trip, and returned him to eleven hour round trip! Meanwhile, Darla taught yoga in the morning and we spent time downtown then it was back to painting, painting, painting for the artist.....who is now in a Tofino gallery and will also have her work in the Agora Gallery, Chelsea, NYC very soon.

I have attempted to capture the development of the paintings which take several days and layers of acrylic and colour to completion.

Above: Two completed; Peter and Darla
All too soon it was time to leave. Ray, Jan and Jean came by to pick me up and back to Vancouver we went. I was so fortunate to be able to spend one more evening with Claire, Ari and Sophia before flying back to Toronto the next morning. What a trip! As always with these dear friends and family, we had laughs and lots of lovely memories "made in Vancouver and Victoria".

How blessed are we to have these two women in our family circle. My Mom (in green) will be 90 in January and is still truckin' along! She still bakes (annually makes 12 pies for the Kleinburg Binder Twine Festival), attends group and church functions and continues to be a dynamic community elder. The beautiful lady beside her (Ada) is my Dad's 105 year old cousin. She is absolutely amazing, with all her faculties firmly intact. I am so fortunate to have heard first hand, stories of family members long gone and her life and the changes that she has witnessed over the years. Ada tells us she's been here far too long and she feels it's time to move on to the next experience. We'll see how that goes!

Dad's sister Jean, passed away a week following a "Cousin's Reunion" the end of May, that her daughters organized. Aunt Jean was 94. There is one remaining sister, Helen, who lives close to her children in Saskatchewan and we are grateful that she is still with us.
Below: Photo's of the Cousin's Reunion

Above:Donna (Aunt Jean's eldest) and Ken; Betty (Aunt Jean's youngest) and Tom; Our wonderful hosts (Aunt Jean's middle daughter) Shirley and Ken.

Above: My brother Wayne and Ev; My sister Jan and Elliot; Ev and cousin Brenda (Dad's brother's daughter)

Boating has been a bit of a bust this summer due to family parties, appointments and MORE IMPORTANTLY, dead Carp all over three of our connecting lakes. Nasty, stinky and nothing you'd wish to swim among! These bottom feeders are so huge that you would never believe that anything except old age could kill them but something has! We do hope to get a few more weeks in before the season ends. The massive cleanup has been carrying on for several weeks now.

Random Photo's of our Grandchildren ( updated photo's 'cause she's a star and very, very busy!):

Above: Sidney (13 yrs) and me celebrating our birthdays; Sean (5 yrs); Matthew (almost 3)
Below: Ben (5 yrs)

That's it for now!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Florida 2008

A great and uneventful trip south; taking our time getting there and missing the huge winter blast that hit Toronto the day after we left.

Below: Our first "warmer" weather on Amelia Islan east of Jacksonville, Florida and even warmer weather further south for our walk with the seagulls on Daytona Beach

Below: Beautiful St. Augustine. Lovely architecture and a great Spanish meal on a balcony overlooking the narrow streets.

Below: Making friends on the beautiful pier; berry picking bird (enlarge this one)

Below: Beautiful trees at the entrance to a Marina in Boca Raton.

Below: A rare sight....a juvenile manatee right beside the sales dock at the Miami Boat Show

Below: Art deco hotels and our cozy efficiency on South Beach

Below: South Beach, a two minute walk from our hotel; statue seen from the Boat Show shuttle bus. We never did see it close enough to determine what it is about however, those are people climbing up to the hand. A bit unsettling.

Below: Shopping for a new boat...this was our first choice because we could fit all our friends and family onboard for one heck of a party.....But then we thought of the environmental implications and moved on to something a bit smaller.......

Below: Hmmmm....slightly smaller but they would never fit in the Trent Severn locks.

Below: The "dark side" for power boaters...however they are environmentally superior and would save a lot on gas!

Below: HERE is a beauty...and it is sold at our marina back home. Ahhhh we can dream can't we? Never mind, we love our 32 ft Carver in Keswick

The Florida Keys
Below: The miles and miles of causeway to Key West, the most southerly point of the U.S.

Below: Photo's of each other at the southern tip; Sunset Pier bar, Key West

Below: Practically deserted bar....Bob disappeared; Then he appeared; He actually believes I can't see him

Below: What's that in his hands? Yippeeeee! Happy Hour; a feathered street bird looking for a handout

Key West Butterfly and Bird House
Below: Butterfly without and with it's body and all the magnificent creatures

The Everglades
We figured that our trip had been pretty tame until now (other than sitting on Cocoa Beach, watching the space shuttle take off from Canaveral....and that was beyond anything ever imagined) and perhaps we should get a touch of excitement. We decided to take an airboat ride through the mangrove swamps. Who wouldn't get a thrill from screaming at 100 km/hr speeds through the mangrove swamps, perched on a crazy boat with no seatbelts, with an even crazier driver (Cap'n Dennis) who loves to terrorize his customers? After all, alligators (unlike their crocodile cousins) are not found in salt water....only fresh. Nothing to fear if we get thrown off the boat...right?? After a two hour wait, we boarded the boat along with 4 others and off we went at a rather sedate speed. As we entered the tunnel formed by the mangrove trees, "Cap'n" kicked it up more than a notch and we flew at warp speed, hurtling toward what we felt was certain death by impact. Any thoughts of alligators were well out of our minds. .
Below: Getting ready and observing others who "left" and "returned"; pelicans waiting for scraps from the fishing boats

Below: Our Captain....don't you think he looks just a tad too gleeful?; Ready for take-off

Below: Blasting through the mangroves as that hole at the end gets bigger and bigger and bigger.

...then out into the open and....what the heck is that???? What old Dennis neglected to tell us on the way into the mangrove was that yes, indeed, this is salt water however the mangrove trees suck the water into the trees, purify it and send it back down as fresh water. That is why there are alligators in the mangroves! Thanks for that little lesson Captain!!! It was whilst we were gazing at the alligator, not 3 feet from our boat, that Dennis also told us that they were experiencing higher than normal tides and that airboats are extremely difficult to handle on water. They handle perfectly on mud and very shallow water. We felt ever so comfortable for the second half of our ride!

Below: Pelicans land on the boats on the way back and give us a few of their best poses

Below: Watching the eclipse from the beautiful Port of Islands Hotel and Marina

Sanibel Island
What a gorgeous island this is, located adjacent to Fort Myers. Marc and Marny invited us to stay with them and we had a wonderful time. Their condo is gorgeous, the food (cooked by Marc the chef), conversation and weather were perfect!
Below: On the lanai overlooking the beach; Marc and Bob going for a dip

Below: Beach art

Below: By the pier

Can you tell we enjoyed every minute of our time with them???

Our friend Margaret (trips to Galapagos and China with her and her husband Eric) was having a golfing week at her friend Wendy's southern home (we know Wendy and Dwight from our marina) in Sarasota and we planned to get together for dinner as we passed through on our return home. We had cocktails at Wendy's and dinner at a local restaurant. It was a fun experience, especially because almost everyone standing 10 deep at the bar and eating dinner in the restaurant, was our age and older. We have never had this happen before and you can imagine how much fun it was to see what a majority seniors are in Florida. It gave us a taste of life in the home! Not so bad!!!!

Below: Creative sculpture downtown.

Below: Wendy playing for us at her beautiful home in Sarasota.A visitor just outside of the lanai

Below: Wendy, Margaret and me, about to go out for dinner (Bob was allowed to come as well of course! Someone had to pay.)

Savannah, is beautiful!

Below: Old brick streets and tram rails; me happily heading for a great lunch by the river; lovely old boat

Below: Jazz under the magnificent old trees in the centre of Savannah

Below: The statue, a tribute to the slaves who built the city and much of the south. The words are by Maya Angelou

Cape Hatteras
Below: Causeway connecting the islands of the cape; dunes and beach scenes

Below: March 3rd...Happy Birthday Bob!!!