Monday, September 27, 2010

Summer 2010 - Part 4

Roy, the host of Cruisers Net had asked us to return to the broadcast at our convenience, so that he could take a photo of us for his album.  We dropped in after his show the next morning and managed to take him away from his fans long enough to get a shot of us together.  What a sweetie!
Adorable Roy
Father and son boats..75 ft and 80 ft Hatteras' on the gas dock in Little Current

We left Little Current immediately following the program and headed for Heywood Island, east of Little Current, awaiting the arrival of our friends onboard Hectic Day joined us.  As it turned out, the weather was not cooperating with them as they cruised north from Penetang and it took them a day longer than expected to arrive.  Meanwhile, we were having our usual stressful day, swimming, kayaking, dinghying and meeting other boaters.  We were relieved to see them entering the bay, safe and sound.  They rafted alongside and the fun slipped into top gear.  Brent (14 yrs) and Dana (12 yrs) are now wake-boarders.  Brent saved enough money over the past few years to buy a fantastic dinghy and big motor strong enough to tow them around on ski's and their board.
Just before Sunrise at Heywood Anchorage

While we waited for the arrival of Hectic Day, Bob learned that he is a possible contender for the Solo Senior Male Synchronized Swimming Event  at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, U.K.  As you can see by the above photo's, we began rigorous training immediately!

Pics below of our (always) fun and fantastic time with 'Hectic Day'!!
Linda and Bella know how to relax!

Linda, hauling in TULAW

Warren, Brent, Linda, Dana and Bella

Beaver taking home a snack

Collins Bay Inlet

Whale eye
All too soon they left us!  Bob and I stayed on at The Bustards, kayaking and meeting new friends.  We were invited to a 3 hours Happy Hour on a rock, with a group of sailors.  New friends and fun times!  Did I tell you that I LOVE boating???

Anchorage in The Bustards

Bustard Sunset

Our last anchorage returning home was at the bottom of Twelve Mile Bay.  We were completely alone although not far from cottages and fun seekers.  A beautiful new place.....we will return next year.
Our own private anchorage...shhhh..don't tell anyone!

Unusual rock formations

Perfect reflections

Amazing sunsets

As night falls
We returned to Beacon Bay in late August and a few days prior to the arrival of our women family (except west coast daughter, Darla) for the weekend onboard TULAW, to spend time with Bob while I spent several days with Mom.  Once again, I have no details since, as was the case with our men family, "what happens on the boat, stays on the boat".  All I have to give you is a photo of our lovelies!
Bob, Tina, Maggie, Kim and Jenn

I returned to the boat with our eldest grandson Sean in tow.  He stayed with us for five days and we had a blast.  We did lots of fishing (Sean caught 35), playing games, botanical walks and Grandpa even taught Sean how to drive the dinghy....illegally of course....that's what makes it so much fun!
Not his biggest fish but his biggest smile

Who's the man??

Downtown Penetang

Silly geese!!

Dogfish.....we think....
Our wonderful slip neighbours, John and Claudette, travel from Montreal every year to spend their summers in Georgian Bay.  Following pics reflect the main reason why we power boat instead of sail!


Double yikes!

Summer is over and new adventures await!  Next entry....our RV trip to Gatineau!!!  Life is good.

Love and light everyone and thanks for following us on our travels.