Saturday, October 02, 2010

RV Trippin'

We left the marina on September 13th, very excited to take a little camping trip to Arrowhead and Algonquin Provincial Parks, with an ultimate destination of Ottawa, to visit good friends.  This was our first adventure living in a van since our trip to New Zealand and Australia in 2006.  It was a quick hop from Penetang to Arrowhead, just north of Huntsville and we secured a large and secluded site.  The trees were beginning to show their fall colours and the hikes in the woods presented us with lots of wildlife, although Bob is still waiting for his bear and moose sightings.  The next two nights were spent at Algonquin and we experienced more of the same; beautiful camp sites and beauty in the forest.  It was amazing how many Canadian and international campers were enjoying the parks.

One many varieties of mushrooms seen in the parks

We arrived at Linda and Yves home in Ottawa on the 16th, stayed overnight and then the four of us headed to their cottage on a lake in the Gatineau hills the next morning.  They bought the cottage last year and it came completely equipped with furnishings and equipment.

Linda and me lugging in the groceries and you can tell I overdid it

This little fellow came to visit

Linda and Yves beautiful cottage

Bob and Yves pretending they know how to fix the old tractor

The trailer is being updated to accommodate additional guests
A beautiful day for a boat ride
Who's driving this thing??

Another tool Yves is pretending to know how to use!  

What a wonderful time we had!  Lots of great food and laughs....a typical visit with Linda and Yves.  We returned to Ottawa on Sunday and headed back to Algonquin Park for another night of camping.  The van was terrific!  The next day we returned to the marina to begin packing up the boat for the winter.

Algonquin Inn (formerly Wild Goose Inn) where I worked for a summer, almost 50 years ago!
A falling leaf in Algonquin Park....perfect!!

This blog is being written from beautiful Victoria, B.C., where I will spend the next month while poor Bob begins updates to our rental house in Toronto.  Our original autumn plan had been to drive west with the van, visit family and friends along the way, leave the van in Victoria with Darla and Peter late in October, then fly home until January when we would fly to Victoria, pick up the van and head to warmer weather in the western U.S.  The tenants in our house next door, announced that they would be moving the end of September and so our plans changed.  Bob strongly suggested that I go west and spend some time with family and friends who live on the island and mainland while he camps in the rental house.  Not a bad deal for me!

I've been here a day and a half and Darla has already had me at yoga class at 6 a.m. and hiking through the rugged forests here at the farm ...and in spectacular weather I might add!

Wishing you all a wonderful October!!