Friday, September 30, 2011

Fun with Nancy and Phil

Our dear friends and son in law Peter's Mom and step-father arrived at the end of our time with Sean and we spent 5 fun-filled days together, walking around areas of Toronto, sharing stories and laughs, eating (lots) good food and drinking wine.  They rejoined us this week after spending time with relatives in Niagara and St. Mary's and continued the fun with Rachel, Peter, Steve, Tina and Sean.  They left for Nova Scotia this morning.  We are always so happy to see them and sad to see them go.

Here are just a few pics of our time together.

The first photo's are of our walk (2 hours one way) along the Leslie Street Spit.  It runs parallel to the cityscape and was created out of used concrete and bricks and soil, starting in 1955.  It is still being maintained and constructed by the Toronto Conservation Authority and is home to all kinds of flora a fauna that arrives naturally to the soil that is transported here.  Trees have grown, ponds have developed   over the years.  A free park to cycle and walk in without vehicles....right in the city and on the waterfront of Lake Ontario.
Phil and Bob

An unexpected and emotional tribute to
Jack Layton, created out of old bricks by some sensitive soul 

Part of the tribute

Another part of the tribute

Nancy on a log

Lakeside view

Nancy and Phil

The new Sugar Beach park on the waterfront

Waterfront Toronto improvements
in front of new Corus Entertainment
Film Studios and Restaurant

Sherbourne Common - part of Waterfront Toronto
This water sculpture treats rain water runoff with
UV and the clean water into Lake Ontario

A bit of whimsy.....a manual pump that
is also a drinking fountain of clean water, blending
 past and present technologies

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Rest of Summer 2011

The smaller boat is 55 feet long!

Beautiful morning mist at Louisa Island

U.S. Cruise boat in Little Current

Cruise boat heading into Georgian Bay

Last Anchorage before heading home from the North Channel

A lovely grab shot of this beautiful Monarch

Kilbear busy compared to our trip north

Port Rawson with Waddells, Hurds and MacRae's

Dana and Bella

Dana and Linda

Alison Hird

Charlie Hurd

Linda Waddell

Claudette, Cathy, John, Bob and Ron enjoying cocktails on our bow

Claudette and Cathy

We love this anchorage...closest neighbours are far away!

Parking lot behind TULAW

Cathy and Ron heading back to Cariblue

Morning fog at Port Rawson

Rough waters send us to Henry's Fish House for the night
where we met friends Essa (this is his 53 foot row boat) and Cathy
and Bob and Wendy.  

A great day at Yuri and Natasha's
cottage on Present Island near Midland

August 26th with Sean at
Beausoleil Island.  Sean is on Grandpa watch

There's Grandpa!!

Still watching!!

Grandpa's safe now...I can turn around

Waddells join us and a heavy game
of Swap ensues

Sean training Bella

Bella and Sean LOVE each other

Fun times at Beausoleil Island

Lovely Cathy

Warren and Linda

Charlie, Brent and Sean
ganging up on Dana....but guess who won?

Enjoying late September...busy anchorage

Ron and Cathy

Sean and Brent

Still trying to unseat Dana
as the tubing queen

More boats arrive....

....and more.....

....and more....

Dana and Sean

Hurdles End hauling anchor

Dana and Sean going tubing

Cool Dana, Sean....hanging on
for dear life!

Threading through the boats at anchor
and out to open water

Meanwhile, Grandpa rescues a clothes peg
that Grandma dropped

Good job Sean!!

Great shot!
Tired Sean opts for the dingy
Intrepid Dana...still hanging in
What a smile!

Brent and Charlie..nice catch!

Limbo on a kayak

Old boys....Chris, Warren
Bob and Ron...solving world
issues....OR....testing a new
brand of beer????

Trip ashore to explore
part of Beausoleil with the Waddells

Brent and Sean outside the Info Centre


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This game is called "dodge the swings"

Annual Group Photo

Don't forget me!!


Noisy and cute little red squirrel

Perfect place for a photo...outside the loo

Digging to China...or Oz...

Water already!

Digging up the beach

Every beach needs a castle

We found great treasures
to add to the castle

The shell was the best!

Sean's happy with his build

A few final touches

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Final result



Grandpa bringing treats

Sean going to the boat to bring back what
Grandpa forgot

A little fishing before dinner

Leaving for a sunset fishing expedition

Frogs!  Lots and lots of frogs!

..and of course, where there are frogs, there are....

Snakes!  This is the trail left in the swamp by
a rattler....we watched him slither through
the water 

Bench sculpture

Grandpa won the prize for
catching the most frogs using only his hand

Oops....bear scat on the trail

Boys will be boys

Heading for the beach

Spending time with Grandpa

Reading hour on the bow