Sunday, June 28, 2015


Did you miss me?  Man!  We aren't called the sandwich generation for nothin'!!  Lots to catch up on Dear Diary….so here goes!

Last two weeks in Naples, Florida:

A busy time!  Fun to meet people at the campground from Komoka, Ontario who know our son-in-law Peter's Aunt Becky.  What are the chances?  Pretty high as it happens.  Great couple!

Judy and Steve
Spring in Naples and this tree is magnificent with all it's yellow blooms
One blossom naturally decorates this limo
Catching all the Naples Beach sunsets we can, we sit on
a bench in the shade and wait for it


Strolling past more enormous mansions

Beautiful lights on 5th and crowds on sidewalk patios

Our friend Thelma flew home to Toronto for a week to babysit
their grandson and Art took us to this wonderful sanctuary
for the first time

Shady and cool in this magnificent forest.  The boardwalk
extends forever and the Audubon Society volunteers
are present with telescopes and information to help us
understand the wildlife that lives here.
These two baby owls were the talk of Naples.  The beautiful
photo's were taken by friends of Thelma and Art on another
day.  The day we visited, they hid behind branches
and shyly peered at us through the leaves
Absolutely adorable!

Gators camouflage themselves to catch unsuspecting wading
birds.  This vegetation is floating or rooted on inches and
sometimes a few feet of water.  The alligators can hide
under the vegetation or like this.  Risky business!

Strangler fig climbs and surrounds the trees

Back in Ontario, son Steve does his annual
motivational bit to get Sean's team excited
about winning a tournament.  If the kids win, they
get to shave Steve's head.  It always seems to work!
Sean with the cup and Dad before the shave
Congratulations to both the team and Steve!!!

Carnage when you win!

One more visit to Amigo's Mexican restaurant
where we make friends with this adorable little guy
and his parents, at the next table.  Look at that hair!

The day after Thelma arrives back in Naples from her trip
to Toronto, she and Art take us to the beautiful Naples Botanical
Gardens.  This sign outside the gate stops us in our tracks.
Something we never see in Canada (yet) except at the border.

The theme this winter was dinosaurs and what a display
it was!
Areas of the garden celebrate many countries (except Canada,
since most of our trees and flowers don't do well in this kind of heat)
This tree grows flowers that look like
cotton balls
This dinosaur dips it's head and roars when
visitors walk past
Playground for the children
A rather unusual and rude looking flower

Infinity waterfall

Look at the lower lip of this big guy!  He surprised us
by spraying when we walked past

Hanging under this pergola are plants that look fake, like
the silk ficus tree I had in my house once a long, long
time ago

Representing Canada - Replica of a  vegan dinosaur discovered in Alberta

Our personal favourite because we could sit on him and
he didn't bite or spit

The orchid section was fabulous!  We have never
seen so many varieties.

The Buddha Tree

After the gardens visit and delicious lunch at the on-site Deli,
we head to The Real McCaw Bar in downtown Naples.
You can't read the message on the bar mirror but it says:
"Alcohol!  Because no great stories started with someone
eating a salad".  Amen!!!
Crazy Christmas decorations up all year long
There really is a resident McCaw that could snap your hand off.
He was not present on this particular day, having taken to his
perch at home, with a case of the vapours…or the flu, the
waitress wasn't certain but said she's happier when he's not there.
One last trip to the Citrus Grove to pick up
our stash for home.  Here he comes!

There he goes!  15 lbs of fruit in each of our
backpacks and a hot ride back to the campground
Wobble wobble…..he's ok now…atta boy!
We leave Naples on Steve's birthday and someone
very clever, creates this 50th birthday  message.  He's lookin'
good, don't you think?  AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
First night on the return trip - our favourite Georgia
Second night, another favourite and a lot greener than
when we saw it in January!

The day after we arrived home we managed to make it to two very exciting hockey game finals in Stouffville.  Sean's team, The Caledon Hawks, the team that struggled through the winter and until the last 2 months of the season, pulled off a second place tournament finish.  Well done!!!

Champion goalie Sean with a team mate after the exciting game!

Some of Sean's hardware.

A few days later, we drive to the Leslie Street Spit and ride our bikes
to the point and back, greatly relieved to see there was not a speck
of ice on Lake Ontario this second week of April.

A visit to Burlington to see how Avery and her brothers
have grown…and my, how they have grown!

Two more hockey champions!  Ben's team came second for the
year and Matthew's came first.  There might be hope for the
Toronto Maple Leafs yet!

Aunt Dorothy joined us for dinner at the Habkirk's

Bob gets reacquainted with sweet Cheerios munching
Avery.  Four teeth now!  Perfectly aligned for
adult food chewing!

A great party for Jenn's 40th birthday in their new
home near Mount Albert.  Marcin
did a brilliant job of organizing it all, 2 weeks
after they moved into the house.  
Amazing food!
Kim and Jenn
Whoa!  Stand back from the flames Jenn!!

Marcin's parents give Jenn this beautiful
portrait, created by their friend

Rachel painted this gift from Bob and me

Then it's late April and Rachel and Peter arrive in
Toronto to celebrate the "new decade birthdays", Peter's step-
sisters wedding and a visit with Peter's family in St. Mary's
Top of Rachel and Peter's list of visits, is one with Mom.
That's Henry, one of Mom's amazing caregiver/companions

Among all the fantastic treasures received by friends
and family, this beautiful bouquet from Rachel's friend
Laura and her daughter Maddie on the day of the
family birthday dinner

Shane, Matti, Kim and Alex

Mom and her other awesome caregiver Omid.  Mom isn't
crying….she's eating!

Lovely Lara

Pete's sister Lisa and Rachel

Steve bookended by Lisa and Rachel

New Decade birthdays:  Tina and Steve - 50, Jenn - 40,
me - 70 and Matti - 30.  Only one family member was
absent; Sidney who turned 20 in May was still in Thailand.
It's the first time we've been all together in many, many years.

Relaxing after dinner

Peter and Rachel piling on their friends Lara and Nick

Jenn, Tina and grandaughter Shanelle


Steve and Sean with Lisa's son Ethan

The next morning, Rachel headed up the street
to practice yoga at a local studio, while Bob,
Peter and I stood on the corner of Yonge and our
street to watch for Lara, running her first marathon.
She trotted over, hugged us then headed on downtown
where Nick grabbed this great shot of her crossing the finish line,
in great time and appearing fresh as a daisy.
Back at home, Peter tormented his niece Madi with a pair
of nickers on his head…don't ask, don't tell!

Rachel and I had birthday massages at the new Four Seasons Hotel
in Yorkville while Bob took Peter on a tour King and Spadina, our temporary
neighbourhood last fall and introduced him to all the beer gardens
along the way

Gorgeous spa!  We had it all to ourselves
A quick visit with my friend Liloo - Chief Consierge, Four

So many wonderful birthday treats.  This one is at
Cibo on King Street
Other decadent foods consumed over the week.

Rachel and Peter returned to Victoria and our lives resumed a bit of normalcy.  It was all so wonderful!
We spot this sweet dog on a stroll at Yonge/Eglinton,
carrying his little teddy bear in his mouth

7 years ago, my good friend and former associate Amanda,
started an initiative that celebrates ideas and good works
by people in the Waterloo-Kitchener area.  Her first awards
dinner had 86 attendees and now it has grown to 550 attendees this
The guest speaker was Dr. Abuelaish (far right), author
of the book "I Shall Not Hate", that tells the story of his life
as a Muslim doctor practicing and delivering babies in Israel,
crossing the border from Gaza each and every day in order
to do so.  A bomb hit his home one day, killing two of his
daughters and a niece.  His wife had died a few months earlier.
It was a dream of mine, after reading his book, that I would meet this
gentle and forgiving man, and I did.  He, his daughters and foundation
manager spent time with me, warmly embracing me and answering my questions.

And now, Amanda's initiative has gone international!
Congratulations to my wonderful friend!!
On Saturday of Mothers Day weekend, Bob and I took Mom
out for lunch and gave her this cherry red jacket (Dad's favourite
colour for Mom), a gift from Wayne, Ev, Jan, Elliot, Bob and me.
Mom was like a school girl, she was so happy about her new red jacket!
Mothers Day Sunday, we picked up Aunt Dorothy and drove
to Ingersoll for lunch with Bob's Mom (left), Bob's brother Jack and
Jack's partner Barb
A birthday celebration lunch with Ruthe, friends
for 65 years.  She'll be 70 in September.  Rock on!!!
Victoria Day Weekend was early this year and by mid-May, we
were onboard our boat in Penetanguishene

In time to catch the brilliant display of trilliums in our forests

And this little turtle traversing a footpath

We attended the "Things That Leap in the Night" tastings
dinner at The Explorers Restaurant in Midland and enjoyed

Frogs legs


Kangaroo loin

And for dessert - chocolate brownie made with cricket flour,
topped with chocolate bark with roasted crickets buried
in the chocolate and accompanied by home-made
Maple Syrup ice cream.  All the wines accompanying
the dishes had a reference to something that leapt

Sunset and Bob observing fish from the bow

On my way back to the marina from visiting Mom, I catch
Kim's brother Martin (far right) and his son George (on my
right), on a quick visit from London, England - along with Kim and Alex.
We had lots of laughs and a catch up on family news at a bar in Richmond
Hill.  Great to see them all!

We joined a Sunday walking/running group in Midland and
walked a few km's on a beautiful morning, then had tea
following the exercise
Bob and Justin, who works at our marina

Justin's baby girl…adorable!

Everyone nabs the baby.  This isn't her mother!

Rachel turns 46!!

We aren't big movie goers but we did
see this one and loved every minute of it!  We
were big Mad Max fans back in the day
and the new one didn't disappoint.  
Off on a spin to test the new/old dinghy and motor
acquired over the winter.  Goes like stink!
Bob may not look overjoyed but he really is.

Last day of May cousins reunion.  My sister-in-law
Ev, seen here with Ken (host and husband of our cousin Donna)
and displaying this really
great name for a wine…since all of the Robson clan
grew up on farms

Donna surprising my brother Wayne with a birthday cake

My friend Marny has wished to meet Mom for years now,
and every time we planned a date, Mom wasn't well.  Thankfully this
time, we did it!  It was a big day for Mom with doctor appointments
and lunch, however she enjoyed every minute of it…then
slept for 2 days!

Anchoring out for the first time this year.  A gorgeous day
with smooth water.

Silvery gray water and sky

At the Honey Harbour docks, we spotted a turtle log-rolling
competition.  It was so slow that we couldn't hang around to see who
It would seem that the goose population has no fear of
extinction anytime soon!

At the Penetang docks, waiting for the Pan-American Games
torch to arrive

And here it comes, carried by Canadian curling champion,
Glen Howard

A lovely ceremony, then off it went again!

Another turtle spotted crossing the marina parking lot

After a bit of hide-and-seek….

…it headed directly to the edge and plopped 6 feet down and
into the water by our slip

Rachel and Avery share the same Friday the 13th birthday
and while Rachel celebrated in Victoria, we gathered in
Burlington to celebrate Avery's first birthday.  Maggie made this
terrific birthday cup-cake cake

Big brother Ben takes Avery into the pool for a swim.  Avery
has had her first series of swim lessons and loves the water!

She didn't think much of her cupcakes, preferring to
gnaw on cucumbers.  Atta girl!

Family portrait

Almost walking but not quite.  Soon enough….

Bob and I camped in a local campground and rode our bikes to and from
the Habkirk residence to babysit Avery while Maggie returned
to work after maternity leave.  She's a teacher and had to go
back for the last 2 weeks of school.  We were delighted to
be asked to care for our sweet little girl.

Even a beautiful princess couldn't take Grandpa's attention
away from his technology.  You can see her little hand waving
at him.  Hilarious!!!
We took Aunt Dorothy out for her 90th birthday and
she loved her visit with us and Avery

Avery entertains everyone!
We invited the Habkirk's to the campground for dinner and
Avery attracts the attention of the adults, wondering
if she's fallen asleep

She's only playing possum

Matthew shows off his black eye from an accidental collision with his
buddy at school

The night before we leave Burlington, we enjoy
Matt's (on right) soccer game.  They won!

Matt #4

Back at the marina, we meet our friends and Toronto next
door neighbours at the docks in Honey Harbour and they
come aboard for a quick visit.  Maddie and Claire were registering
for camp on Beausoleil Island.  Dad Steve had to be
at a work BBQ in the Beach, Toronto by 7 and
we didn't have time to take them for a cruise
Left to right:  Fab, Maddie and Fab's Mom Anne-Marie,
visiting from Harrison Springs, BC


Fab, Clair, Maddie and Steve

Another trip south to visit Mom, I kidnap her,
take her out for lunch, then to the cemetery to visit
Dad's grave.  It's been years since Mom has
been well enough to walk to the grave and
she was thrilled to be able to do it this year,
on the most beautiful warm and breezy day.

Back at the marina, Bob plays with his new kite.  Loving this life!

Friday, June 26th, Wayne and I do something that I don't believe
we have ever done in our lives.  We meet for lunch!  It was
such a wonderful visit and afterwards, we surprised Mom with a visit.
She said that it made her day.  It made ours as well!  Bob and I were
meeting friends Jack and Maddie in Penetang at 4:30, so at 2:30 I raced…
well actually, that's a lie.  Those of you who have travelled Hwy 400 on
a Friday afternoon northbound, know that it's impossible to "race".  I made it
to the restaurant a few minutes late, had a visit, then on such a gorgeous evening,
Bob and I slung our hook and took off to an anchorage at Beausoleil Island

It was another beautiful evening for cruising and in 30 minutes
we were arriving at our destination

Swinging on the hook, we enjoy the most wonderful of sunsets;
pink and blue skies reflected on the calm water

We arrived home from Florida on April 10th and have packed every kind of happy experience into the time between then and now.  Today, June 28th is our grandson Ben's 12th birthday.  We have had great visits with friends like Cathy and Ron, Linda and Warren, Yuri and Natasha (and Natasha's Mom and nephew) on Present Island, Margaret and Eric, Thelma and Art, Jen F., Connie, the RT girls and our beautiful family.  This week, as July races in, we will spend several days with our Ottawa friends and on Saturday, our three wonderful grandsons arrive aboard for their annual sail with us.  We are fortunate and we celebrate every moment and every relationship.  What a terrific summer!  Cheers!!!  Happy Canada Day!!!