Wednesday, February 14, 2007

HRH Prince Leonard and Princess Shirley

The owner of the campground in Broome asked us if we had ever heard of the above names. We replied that we hadn't and he proceeded to tell us their story. Of course, we've been told many stories and thought that before I wrote about any more, we should do a bit of research. In the Lonely Planet Guide there it was and we both felt it fascinating enough that you would appreciate here it is, directly from Lonely Planet:

Down a dusty road, 75 km northwest of Northampton, lies the independent land of the Hutt River Province Principality. Australia's second largest country was created on April 21, 1970 when farmer Len Casley, disgusted with government quotas on wheat production, seceded from the Commonwealth of Australia under a (hastily closed) legal loophole. Despite concerted attempts by Western Australia government to legally overturn the succession, more than 30 years later Prince Leonard and Princess Shirley remain monarchs of the only principality in the world declared without bloodshed. Their 75 square km property features a post office, gift shop and deadpan collection of flags, stamps, letters and medallions to lend legitimacy to the province. The province also has its' own flag, postal system, constitution and armed forces although the latter plays a strictly ceremonial role. You can become a naturalized citizen if you like; the province has 13,000 citizens worldwide and a 5 year passport costs $250. The downside for the 20 or more permanent residents is that they have no entitlement to Australian government health or social security benefits although neither do they pay tax.

Visitors are encouraged but asked to call ahead to ensure that one of the royals is in residence.
Bob and I had passed through their land on the way up the west coast however where completely unaware of this great story.

The other fun piece is that Leonard is a close relative of Abdul the camel king. Perhaps the entire family is somewhat eccentric?

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