Monday, April 16, 2012

Playing "catch-up" with a few random entries

Grandpa Bob turns 65 on March 3, becomes a "Senior" and gets a raise!  Yeah!!!

3 grandsons, left to right:  Sean, Ben, Matt

Jenn turns 37 on St. Patrick's Day and doesn't get a raise!!!  Boooooo

Jenn with husband Marcin
Eldest grandson Sean in goal

Great save and with flair!

Middle grandson Ben (age 8), wearing #10 and kickin' butt!

Youngest grandson Matthew (age 6) wearing #7

Sadness in our neighbours yard....a beautiful old tree, over 60 feet tall, was diseased and needed to come down before it fell down.  These people deserve every dollar they earn!  The only good bit is that our neighbour invited Bob to come and get some exercise and take home as much wood as he wanted.  Great exercise too!

Easter 2012 - Siblings, Uncle Jack, Aunt Dorothy and Mom Habkirk
Steve's 47th birthday, celebrated Easter Sunday
Tina, Sean and Steve
Family with Little Grandma

61 Woburn Wildlife

Cardinals are daily visitors

And this little squirrel loves to peek in the windows

Woody loves the suet treat basket

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