Sunday, August 25, 2013

Summer 2013 - More Fun in the Sun...and the Wind

It has definitely been one of the more interesting (recall my definition of "interesting"?) summers on the water.  We have never experienced the high winds that we have had this summer.  We love to swing on the hook and this summer it has been the safest option in 50 km per hour winds.  Two attempts to hook with the front anchor and tie a stern anchor ended up with us untying the stern and getting back to free swinging, made more challenging when a bay is filled with boats doing both.  The last thing any of us wants is to swing free to the end of our anchor rode and smack into a boat tied fore and aft.  We never cease to learn something with this lifestyle and there are times when a cottage on a lake looks a bit attractive (emphasis on "a bit").  Constantly challenging and in this case, it's a good thing that Captain Bob is an analytic and never loses his cool....the opposite of me.

We had a fantastic day at the McRae family cottage

It's located on the mainland, almost directly opposite
the beautiful Christian Island anchorage

There's the ferry between the mainland and Christian

We told you about the drastic lake levels and this gives
you an idea how bad they are.

This used to be a boathouse
and Cathy used to dive off of this deck when the McRae's
bought the property 15 years ago

Now you walk way, way out to get in to water that
is deep enough to swim
In the past, when water levels were rising dramatically,
cottagers hauled rocks to create a barrier, thinking
that their properties might be washed away.

The next morning, we leave Penetang Bay on our way north to the Parry Sound area.

Beautiful cottages(??) along the way

Fascinating canvas on this boat in one of our anchorages

This gorgeous Neptunus was anchored in the bay just beyond
our bay

This enormous looper boat (those are boaters who do the circle
from Florida to Georgian Bay and back again) came in to

The bottom of Twelve Mile Bay, another of our
favourite anchorages.  We were completely alone.

The sweetest little cabins can be found in this bay

Then there's the other half live

We drop in for the traditional lunch at Henry's, the island
restaurant, and find that the Coast Guard has eaten all the fish
....kidding of course!

Then on to Sawdust Bay, very near Kilbear Park

Time to head south again, to spend a week with one of our
other families, the Waddell's.  We decide to cut through
"The Hole" having never done this before

We find mermaids waiting for us to pass so they can dive into
our wake.  Wait until they see the wake that's coming from
the other direction!  Heads up ladies!!!

This big vessel also passes through the hole!  Was there any
doubt that our boat would make it?

We stay overnight in Parry Sound and see the old tour boat Chippawa as
it takes tourists out to the islands

As we leave the harbour the next day, we find ourselves caught
between a dock and a runway

The Tall Ships are cruising the Great Lakes and we were delighted
to have our very own sail-past
Down the road, we hook up with Hectic Day and begin
our wonderful annual vacation together

Where have we seen you before?  Following us?

Linda and Dana accompany Brent, National level swimmer,
on his daily swim training.  On this particular day, he
swam about 5 km

Then he fished with his dad.  

Bella gave us a grin

Next day, Linda and I accompany Brent on his swim

In he goes!

Much rougher out there that day and he plodded on, swimming
for an hour and a half, adding a 1/2 hour each day

Home at last.  I was exhausted paddling and cannot
imagine what it was like for Brent

Next up - Dana wakeboarding

Great style and grace

Dana taking Bella to shore for a wee walk.  Lots of toys???

Brent and the newest toy....the "go-fast boat".  What
a treat compared to our old dinghy with it's little motor

We blasted across the bay to Henry's for another pickerel meal

This seems to be what's expected of grandparents in their late 60's...

Any last words??

Wahoo!  What a blast!!!

Made it!!
Then Linda and Brent have a run

Warren relaxes with a can after driving and towing us all about
the bay.  Well deserved rest Warren!

The next evening, we jump in the go-fast boat and head
for another island restaurant, Craganmor.  Great atmosphere
and food

The handsome Waddell's, including little Bella of course

While the boats sail past

We zoom zoom back to our anchorage in time to see the
Neptunus at sunset

On our last day, we head out ahead of our friends and see
that another large yacht has arrived

Goodbye for another year Massassauga Park.  Truly one
of our favourite spots

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