Saturday, May 24, 2014

Loving Spring in Ontario

What do we love about spring in this great province?

Hockey tournaments and a Championship win!  Congratulations
Matthew and team!  

A fine Second Place finish.  Congratulations Ben and team!

We weren't home in time for Sean's tournament, so we'll
pretend we were and add a winter pic of our famous goalie grandson.

Marcin's birthday dinner.  We managed to be home in time
for one of the spring birthdays.

Beautiful birds in the yard.  The magnificent red
of the male Cardinal

Isn't his partner adorable?

Tulips in our garden

The trees bursting with bloom

Visting the marina  in April and seeing TULAW uncovered

Seeing something out there floating in the bay

Oh yuck!  It IS ice!!!

We even accidentally made it to the big time!  Just happened to be at the marina when youtube filming was being done to promote beautiful Georgian Bay.  Don't blink; you will see us near the beginning of the video, running out of our van to embrace our boat.  So much fun!

Attending spring Track and Field event to watch my "adopted" grandaughter
Maddy (orange shirt).  She won several events.

Playing with Maddy's youngest sister Vivienne between
Son Paul didn't have much of a birthday last October,
when he and Maggie learned they were to become parents
again after almost nine years, so Maggie threw a 40 1/2
party last evening.  Matthew is always happy to help Dad

Some of the many guests, out on the deck

Will he jump?  A bit nippy last evening, so let's watch.

Nope!  He chose to do a happy dance instead.
Smart fella!

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