Saturday, June 25, 2011

Catching up...

May was a busy month and I am only documenting them now so everything is out of sequence.

We had a lovely Mother's Day in Burlington, with Bob's brother Jack, his partner Barb, Bob's Mom, my Mom and Bob's Aunt Dorothy and Uncle Doug.

Our grandson Ben celebrated his First Communion, a special time for this young man and his family.

We also attended one of Ben's ball-hockey games and he was the star.  He runs like the wind and scored three goals.  No one could keep up to him.  Matthew is on the same team but was otherwise engaged that day.

There was a bridal shower for Jenn in May as well, and sadly, we don't have photo's of that happy event.

Mom, Bob's Mom, Doug and Dorothy on Mother's Day

Paul and Maggie (proud parents), Matthew and Ben at Ben's First Communion

Ben even got two cakes!!

Ball hockey star!

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