Friday, July 22, 2011

What's in a name??

A lot as it happens!  When Bob and I purchased our first boat from Linda and Warren, it took us a very, very long time to give her a name.  We researched online, wandered around various marina's looking at names and listened carefully on the VHF radio as we swanned around Lake Simcoe.  As the weeks went on, Linda teased us, asking us why it took so long, then told us "Actually, it is easier to name a child than it is to name a boat!".   We found that funny and also kind of sad.   Most parents want their children to like, if not love the names we give them, make them pronounceable and hopefully, not embarrassing.  How many of us shorten our names or take on nick-names...sometimes due to dislike of the original name or simply because it is a name that changed just enough to make it ours while avoiding hurting "the folks"?  When I was a kid I recall a childhood neighbour whose parents had either a terrific sense of humour a distaste for children, or perhaps they thought they would drill a sense of humour in their kids from an early age.  They named one of their sons "Donald" and their surname was "Duck".  The poor kid was the joke of the county but he was a good fighter!

When we were expecting the arrival of Darla, we had a list of favoured names and my top two were Rachel and Michelle.  By the time June 13, 1969 arrived, we had compromised with a first name of Darla and a middle name of Michelle (Darla Rachel just didn't seem to hang together).  Darla Michelle struggled into this world, barely making it,  and although a petite and seemingly shy little girl, she managed to control many aspects of her life (like her much bigger brother as an example) with a fierce determination and resolve that I only discovered once she'd become an adult (true confessions).  She shakes off her fears, changes what she doesn't like and does so many brave and adventurous things in her life.  She is continuing this spirit of adventure side by side with her life partner Peter.

About a year ago, Darla called me and asked if "Darla" had been the only name we had considered for her.  I asked her why and she said that she had never, even as a child, liked her name.  I had to really think about her question for a few days and then recalled my first choice.  I always loved the name Rachel because it was as ancient as time itself and yet never seemed an old name....and it sounded soft when spoken.  I gave her this information and she told me that she had a lot of thinking to do and kindly asked me if I would be upset if she decided at some point, to change her first name.  I said "why would I be?  It's your name and you can do what you like with it!"  A couple of months ago, Darla called and said that she had completed the paper work and given finger prints to the police and was committed.  She had no idea how long it would take for the government to send her the new birth certificate.  On July 13, 2011, 42 years and one month exactly from the time she entered this human experience, Darla Michelle announced her name change to Rachel Michelle, a name chosen over 42 years ago.  I am thrilled that this powerful soul lives her life as she chooses to live it and is living with a name that makes her happy.  In her email to friends and family, she said that she won't be upset if we continue to call her Darla as she's been known for all this time.  Rachel is a name that lives within her and that makes it perfect ...and if we forget, or prefer to call her Darla, that is just fine.

Brava Rachel Michelle!  I love you and celebrate you!!


1 comment:

Elliot & Jan said...

Looks like large blueberries. I just finished picking 16 cups today. In total I have 30 cups in the freezer. Ours are a bit smaller though.