Wednesday, June 20, 2012


We arrived at my cousin Kerry and Clarence's beautiful, lush (they wouldn't describe it this way) farm in south-east Saskatchewan in time for "dinner".  Like most farmers (this includes my parents), they eat their big meal at noon and call it dinner.  Supper is a lighter meal.  Makes total sense, however I seem to recall that Mom's "supper" was equal in volume to "dinner".  The food Kerry prepared (pretty much all their own) was beyond wonderful and we must have gained a few pounds.  Can't imagine what we would look like if we spent 3 weeks instead of 3 days with them.

Saskatchewan has been hammered with extreme wet weather for 3 years now and once again, Clarence has been unable to get his crops in.  They are eternally optimistic and are grateful for crop insurance.  Most of the land is under water and their home has 3 sump pumps running.  The ditches are full of water and we saw more ducks swimming around in accumulated water on the fields than we could ever imagine.  My last trip to this region was 50 years ago when all about me was rippling golden grains and brilliant sunshine.

Our time with the Finkas' was full and fabulous.  I hadn't seen Kerry since the '90's and in a very few days, got to know my cousin so well, learn about their lives and families.  Bob helped Clarence create a new fence in a field that is being rented this year for the cattle.  I played secretary while Clarence branded, tagged and dehorned (yuck....hated it when Dad did it and haven't found a passion for it yet) a few cows.  You can tell by the pics that it was a love-fest with these two.  Thanks Kerry and Clarence!  We'll never forget our time with you!!

Our Saskatchewan greeting

Finches and hummingbirds right outside the window



Clarence in his tiny tractor....

...very tiny tractor...

Kerry with Zoe and Fritz

Dressed for REAL work!
Filling the troughs with chop...fond memories of our farm
One of the few old grain elevators

The old being replaced with these huge elevators.
Note the size of the trucks in the foreground

In huge contrast to the flatlands of Saskatchewan, the
Qu'Appelle Valley is a fabulous contrast and can
be found a few short km's from the Finkas' farm

Dozens of Purple Martins live here in Kerry's fathers
bird houses

Their lovely home
Just one of the many beautiful gardens

Loved this old house that once upon a time, housed a family.

Rhubarb patch

Kerry's vegetable garden

...and ANOTHER vegetable garden.  No wonder they
have 3 freezers and two refrigerators!

These are two mother cats up in the
loft of the barn.  They care for (clean and feed) each others young

Pretty emotional to watch them feed each others young..
as you can tell by the tears in my eyes.

Zoe and Fritz rounding up the herd

Farm secretary for a day

Two hot and wet fencers...celebrating a successful day

Saying "goodbye" was tough

Kerry and Clarence highly recommended this place..mineral pools.
We spent quite some time here on our way to Alberta, swimming in the hot and cool
pools.  It was fabulous!

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