Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Good Times continuing.....

December 30th - Meeting of the G6 (fellow travellers from trips to Galapagos and Amazon in '05, China in '07 and South America in 2010) at our house, for a delectable meal of left-overs (lucky sods!). We must have everything in the fridge/freezer, emptied by January 16th, when we fly west to pick up WALUT and head south into the USA.  Eric and Margaret brought a DVD of photo's and video, of their fall trip to South Africa and John and Chris brought their photo's of their trip to Panama, which ended on Christmas Day.  It is always fun to get together and wonderful to do a bit of catching up.  Chris and John still have to give us a show of their travels through Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Thailand last year!  Maybe it will be ready by April when we get home??????  Chris??  John????  Nudge, nudge...
Bob and Chris
Bob trying out his Leonard Cohen kneel...Eric just
looks nervous...can't say I blame him.  Wish Bob would
kneel in front of me like that!
Margaret and me taking a Panama tour with John narrative

December 31st...New Year's Eve
After a lovely and quiet dinner (of more leftovers....damned G6 didn't eat them all) with a beautiful bottle of wine, we sat by the fire and read the newspaper.  After 9 pm, Bob asked me if I would like to go for a walk.  I wouldn't and didn't, and stayed in my chair.  Some time later, someone was continuously pushing our doorbell and knocking on the window.  This is a typical Bob trick, so I didn't even turn around to determine if it was him.....I simply ignored the noise, until it continued and became more intense.  I looked out and saw several children I didn't recognize, went to the door and found 6 beautifully dressed young people, standing on our porch (without coats), grinning at me.  At the foot of the driveway was the longest limo I believe I have ever seen.  Scanning the faces, I'm wondering who on earth they are and about to ask, when my eyes went up to the back of the group and I saw two young people who were about a foot shorter the last time I saw them two summers ago.  Our great boating friends, Linda, Warren, Linda's parents, and nieces and nephews (two from Florida and two from Cambridge, Ontario) were in the city from Orangeville and had hired a limo to take them around Toronto to celebrate 2013.  What a fantastic surprise!  It was a flying visit and Bob didn't get to see them, although he did see the long, long limo as it turned the corner from our street, onto Yonge street, heading downtown.  
Outside our door, preparing for the surprise
On the left, the four I didn't recognize....haven't seen them
since they were babies

Dana and Brent were next door neighbours and
we've known them since they were 1 (Dana) and 2 (Brent)
Look at them now!  Brent towers over his father Warren, who
is over 6 ft tall.  Thanks for the wonderful surprise!!!
See you at the Toronto Boat Show next week.


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