Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Punta del Diablo

Our trip to Diablo took about 2 1/2 hours. It was mixed weather and a good day to be travelling.
Margarita and Michael told us that Diablo was a hippy town and they weren't kidding. We pulled up to our beautiful little house and I discovered something about myself. I'm an old hippy who never took the opportunity to explore that part of me! This place is amazing and we feel right at home here even though we are definitely in the minority. There are a few "grey hairs" in this town and they don't all sport braids and beards, however the majority of people to throng here are under 40.

Our landlady Diana, is a beautiful young Uruguayan who lived in New Jersey for 3 years during the truly dreadful days following 9/11. She said that she never felt comfortable in the U.S. and was happy to return to her home with her Italian husband Giovani. They built three adorable houses here and they live in a wooden cabin behind the houses. Ours is decorated like Darla and Peter's first home together; lots of sun and moon images, bright colours, tile floors (wood in the bedroom), funky furniture, curtains and bedspread. We have a balcony off our bedroom and the view of the ocean is wonderful. This is such a busy town and, just like our house in Toronto, beside a park, there is always serious people-watching to be done.
The mural you see below was done for Diana by an artist friend who we happened to see painting (it's all done with spray can paint) at Carnaval in Periapolis.
There are endless km's of beach to walk, surfers to watch, forest to explore and bumming to do! This is a perfect place for all of it.
Below: See the three colourful houses above the fishing boats? The yellow to the left of the blue one is ours. The location is excellent.
I will save our trip to Chuy for another day. Monday was rainy and we thought it would be a perfect day to drive the 40 km to this border town. The middle of the main street divides Uruguay from Brazil. What a bizarre place! We will revisit and take pics to share with you.

In the meantime, be good to yourselves and know that we think of you and love you all!!

1 comment:

theyips said...

I can see Bob sitting behind the window (ventana) and he is either people watching via a telescope (pero, you don't have your binoculars) or is in the process or drinking a cervesa .... I suspect the latter.

glad to hear (escuche) that you are having muchos fun.