Saturday, February 06, 2010

Santiago, Day 2

Our guide Mariam, picked us up at 9 for our city tour. She is a dynamo, the mother of a 9 year old boy and has only been guiding for two years. Her knowledge of the country is amazing...all self-taught. Her biggest challenge (as it was for all our guides) was keeping us all together (our rabid photographers run off in all directions constantly) and safe from pickpockets. I must stress here that at no time did any of us feel any time on our trip.
Here are some views of the beautiful city of Santiago.
Below: Mariam, watching over her flock (note the backpack on the front of her body)

From high above the city where rich people seem to love to build their spite of the threat of earthquakes...
and at street level below..
Below: Street art
and segway info booths that come to you!
Mariam told us to revisit a couple of subway stations for some serious (and HUGE) works of art and so off we went! This is a small sampling of what we saw.

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